Zen vs Warrior – Which Coaching Style Works Best?

Phil Jackson preaches Zen to his players and exudes it himself.  He is all about calm, focus and embracing the moment.

Doc Rivers preaches aggression to his players and comes across as a warrior readying his troops for battle during timeouts.  He is all about heart, passion and taking it to the opponents.

Two coaching styles which are as close to polar opposites as you could get. 

A child generally grows up to resemble their parents.  A company is normally a reflection of the CEO.  A team’s identity is formed by the style of coach.  Read more to find out why these two coaches styles are perfectly suited to their respective teams and what impact it’s had on the players.

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2 Responses to Zen vs Warrior – Which Coaching Style Works Best?

  1. Tha Mail Man says:

    oh yeah Dope logo and header too!

  2. Tha Mail Man says:

    Hey When you gunna update this shit? Feindin for some more of your insights!
